Kostis Maraveyas - Ilegal
Kostis Maraveyas, a versatile artist & original member of the Mediterranean music family, is a composer, arranger, singer, and instrumentalist. He is a skilled guitarist, pianist and accordionist. He entered the world music scene early, as member of X Darawish, a multinational band based in Italy. Musically wise, Kostis merges Greek music forms with Italian, Spanish and the so-called Mediterranean temperament.
- Στο δρόμο
- Δεν με Πείθεις
- Δεν Ζητάω Πολλά
- Που να βρω μια να σου Μοιάζει
- Αφήνομαι
- Πάρε Χρώμα
- Σώπα 'στο πα
- Too Much
- Ονειρεύεσαι
- Γιαμιλαχάλι
- Δεν Σταματώ